We had our final meeting on Monday night and the excitement is starting to build.
The biggest part of NCYC is recruiting adult chaperones. These are the people who walk this journey with the youth from our parishes. They are the ones who will make sure everyone is safe and has a good time.
Our chaperones are:
Shannon Beyrle, Jordan Sadecki, Annette Staples, Cindy Weber, Stacie Mills, Brenda Harrison, Francie Luke, Kathy Joblinske, Dr. Bob Pranger, Bob Nemmers, Deacon Ray Larsen, James Larsen & Chris Evans.
Please make sure you thank them if you run into them around town.
Here are some pictures of trade items and hats!

If you want to stay up to date with all our NCYC adventures, follow this blog! Also - you are invited to attend an NCYC "Watch Party" on Thursday, Nov. 19th.
We hope you can make it to the Watch Party!Until next time, I ask that you keep us in your prayers. NCYC can be a powerful experience for teens and my hope is it will bring them closer to Christ and help them understand the power of the church!
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